Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 7: The Stops & Go's of Journaling

On the journaling adventure you might encounter bumps, hills, stops and even roadblocks along the way!  At least I do!  Rest assured, it's normal and I'm here to inspire you and encourage you to pick yourself up and carry on...the rewards are well worth the journey!  This was the perfect topic for today's blog as I got stopped in my own blogging and haven't showed up in awhile!  I could give you a list of excuses (road bumps) for why I haven't been here...and I will - because they will be the perfect start to the things that might get in your way!
10 Potential Stops (excuses that get in the way of what you truly want)....

  1. I have too many other things to do
  2. I don't have time
  3. I don't "feel" like it
  4. I don't have anything to say
  5. I'm not a writer
  6. I'm not seeing the rewards
  7. I'm afraid someone will find it
  8. I'm afraid of opening the flood gates (emotion)
  9. It feels selfish
  10. I don't know where to begin
  11. I'm afraid of what I might find
10 Reasons to keep on going...
  1. Your sanity - you will have more fun and feel better doing all you do!
  2. By taking time for you - you will actually find your energy elevates, your focus increases and you have more time to do all you truly want to do!
  3. You will feel better and sigh relief by just clearing thought
  4. Clear the clutter, negativity and the mind chatter that clouds your perspective
  5. Reap the rewards of clearing the mind - and BE fully in the moment!
  6. You just might discover your "voice" - your unique expression and view of life
  7. Keep showing up and the rewards will knock your socks off!
  8. Discover what stirs your heart, and makes you feel alive and inspired
  9. Shift focus...Let go...Embrace change
  10. Make time to find your quiet center, where you feel calm and confident amidst everything else!
Remember, there's no right way to journal, just YOUR way!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Journaling Lounge is Open!

I am so excited!  The Journaling Lounge is open, alive and real!  It opened at midnight!  The idea surfaced in my journal, incubated in my journal, and grew in my journal.  Writing supported the entire process from conception of idea to action plan, to writing through doubt, fear, and uncertainty.  It's where I searched and found the courage to carry through on many a day.  And...now it's alive and real, taking on a life of its own where others can write, share stories, be inspired, stretch and grow into their magnificence!  Write it down, make it real...it works!

Come join me and others at The Journaling Lounge writing our way!  It is a community of people inspired to write, to turn up the volume on happy and take surviving to thriving!  You can create your online journal for free....and then from there sign up for Guided Journaling Experiences that will take you into various areas of life with guided prompts to ignite the writer in you!  Go to http://www.sanityjournals.com/ to create your free online journal!  See you at The Lounge!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 6: Journal Through Big Feelings...

I have journaled through the many faces of being human.  Next time you encounter BIG FEELINGS, pause and DO something different.  If possible, hold off on reaction and GRAB A JOURNAL, QUICK!  Write your way through the emotion.  Embrace it, HONOR IT, ALL WITH THE INTENTION TO MOVE THROUGH IT! 

ANGER....move through the feeling - voice it, get it out.  Stand back, remember your commitment to the situation at hand and make a choice from there.  Get clear about what, if anything needs to be communicated. 
OVERWHELM...write down everything that has you overwhelmed.  Stand back and prioritize.  Just getting it out of your head will make you feel better.  Then, prioritize and put into today, tomorrow, next week and next month categories.  Sign relief...
TAPPED OUT...take 5 minutes to write...unwind, relax and get present once again to the big picture.
HURT...write it out and try on taking responsibility and care for the hurt part of you! 
INSPIRED & ENERGETIC...have a journal handy for the funnel of ideas that come your way!

and so many more....for another day!
Feelings are just feelings...it's what you do with them that MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.  Next time, you encounter BIG FEELINGS grab your journal, sort it out, and ACT based on your commitments (what you truly want) and see what happens!

The Journaling Lounge Opens in Two Days!  I can't wait to see you there!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 5: A Glimpse into My Journal

So...on Day 2 of this series "Into a World of Journaling" I created "cheering myself on in life" as my focus.  This was a far-out concept at one time for me and even today feels a tad daunting.  I take this on knowing that if I could be successful part of the time I would greatly shift my reality.  Here's a glimpse in my journal from yesterday...

Cheering myself on...what does that mean for today?  It means being there for myself, telling myself "I can" accomplish what's in front of me, that "I can" complete all I need to do to launch the Journaling Lounge next week!  It means being diligent with my thoughts and steering them back on track when they want to dive into the gutter of negativity and self doubt.  It means I will write through worry and doubt when they show up.  It means when I fall down, it's not an opportunity to criticize, but a chance to pick myself up and carry on.  It means I will hold the vision of what I am up to in front of me and keep my eyes on what stirs my passion.  It means communicating with my loved ones when I need help.  It means taking care of my well-being even when it feels like I don't have time.  It means doing the things that I say are most important in the face of a long to-do list.  It means seeking and honoring the truth, even when it means taking a risk.  What if I could cheer myself on, just as I would a dear friend?

Have you declared a focus in your journal?  Are you willing to share?  I'd love to hear!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 4: An Imaginary Conversation...

I used to process things over and over in my mind...looking for the "right" answer or solution often to my own exhaustion, not to mention my missing out on the moment at hand because I was lost in my head thinking. I now almost always go to my journal when I catch myself in that processing mode - because I know from experience the power and purpose that takes place when I write. I can move through issues and feelings with more focus, intention and velocity - the truth surfaces and I can see things with intense clarity and wisdom.

Try this...
An imaginary conversation...it happened in my journal one day - I was stewing over a challenge in my life and had the thought, I should call my friend - I knew she would have great advice for me.  Without thinking any further, I began writing - asking the questions I had of her and realized the answers were right there - I was able to work out the situation through my imaginary conversation with her in my journal - sounds kinda crazy I know - but, IT WORKED!

Try it!  Bring a challenge you are faced with, or something that sits heavy on your heart to your journal today.  Think of someone you trust for great, honest advice. 

Have an imaginary conversation with them in your journal.  Ask questions, and then write down what they would tell you.  Share your experience!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 3: Fear Shows Up...

Fear...one of the things that naturally occurs after you have declared you will do something new, take on something in a bigger way, or just merely say YES.  Fear shows up - it's almost inevitable.  For me it appears as that voice in my head showing me and telling me everything that could go wrong, every reason why I can't and then doubt whooshes in pulling all the greatness I felt when declaring yes...and next thing I know my exuberant yes is feeling more like a deflated no.   Fear naturally shows up when we declare we will write or take on a journaling practice.  What if...you could befriend this part of the process...knowing it's a necessary step disguised as "scary" and "bad" and a step that YOU can move boldly through. 

What if these thoughts and feelings no longer controlled you, but you had courage and power to notice, evaluate and determine for yourself if they are a "real" threat to you.  What if these thoughts and questions are pointing you to the actions that need to take place in order for you to step out, grow and move forward.  By paying attention you might see a conversation that has to take place, an insecurity you want to embrace and move past, or an old belief that no longer serves you or anyone else.
So, as you dive into the world of journaling, begin to pay attention and notice what occurs during and AFTER the writing - it may be just as or more valuable!

So what came up for you?  If you've been following since Day 1 - wrap your arms around any fear that showed up knowing it's a healthy part of the process.  Your job is to find out what's under the disguise - it is there you will access the freedom to move past.  If you haven't yet engaged in Day 2 - I double dog dare you to begin now!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 2: Taking the Plunge...

and that's what it is...it really just takes diving in, doing it, and saying goodbye to all the excuses and reasons why you can't (and I know you have good ones).  Keep in mind...there is no "perfect" time to journal. It doesn't require a hammock on the beach or peaceful, insightful feelings. Begin right where YOU are - even if it is amidst the chaos.

It means having a notebook handy in lots of places so when the need or time arises you are prepared! 
You may feel intimidated or overwhelmed by where to start!  Start by making the journal YOURS!  Write your name in it, fill it with pictures that you love, colors that uplift and words that inspire!  Open the notebook and create an intention or focus for your writing.  Here's what I do...  My focus for this journal will be __________  My writing represents the beginning of ___________________  and I invite ____________________ into my life by taking the time to step away from the busyness to be still.  It is sooo important to create a vision for what you want to have happen as a result of you taking the time to write.  It will not only guide your writing, but will keep you coming back again and again.  The key here is to read your intention often, it just might be what moves you from all the excuses of why you can't and don't have the time to journal into what is possible if you do!   Remember, writing doesn't have to take a lot of time - 5 or 10 minutes will do!  It does require your willingness to show up and engage fully!

Today's Exercise...

So take a journal or notebook off your shelf that is waiting to be used and begin by making it YOURS!  Then tell us all about it, take pictures, share what the process was like for you, ask questions - I would love to hear from you!  See you soon!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 1: Into the World of Journaling - A Series

Follow me as we take an adventure into journaling!  Over the next several weeks, I intend to pour myself into sharing with you journaling stories (my own and others) and how people write their way through the ups downs and in-betweens. The journal for me has become a retreat from the crazyness of the external world and even the gremlins of my own mind at times ;-) I've discovered writing to be a mini get-away where I get to the truth, and sort things out.  Writing is where I touch the divine, sift through challenge, figure out who I want to be as a wife, mom, and friend.  The writing practice expands my thinking and creativity.  Solutions and possibilities show up that were not available in my thought process alone.  Through writing, I find I am able to observe things from multiple vantage points to make better choices, soak up the juicy details of goodness that surround me (when I sometimes forget) and choose powerfully who I am going to be in the face of life. So join me…dive into your imaginary lounge chair, open your heart and get ready for an amazing ride! 

Come blog with me...I want to hear YOUR stories, questions, and experiences as you peer into the world of journaling!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Gift in My Inbox

I had a gift in my inbox the other day and want to share it with you! The email read....

"I recently purchased 2 of your journals and found them to be exactly what was needed to keep me focused on the intent of journaling. I have always known that the right paper and pen were needed for me to fulfill and sustain the journaling process. My procrastination has always been that I haven't found the right journal. Well...I am pleased to announce...that is not a problem since finding your journals." Jane Mullens, Brookville, OH

Following a dream is quite a journey and gifts like this remind me...I am doing my soul's work. If you are following a dream...keep on keeping on...you just don't know when a life may be touched or a gift will arrive in your inbox!
Thank you Jane and Amanda for choosing Sanity Journals to use in your wellness studio classes! http://www.sacredjourneysmassage.com/

Introducing "The Journaling Lounge"

I am so excited to tell you that the Journaling Lounge is under creative action and will be coming soon!

Imagine a place where you can...

unwind, connect and grow
show up when you have time
create your very own free journal
and sign up for online journeys (classes) that guide you through areas of life you want to see new amazing outcomes!

A cozy chair will await you! Sign up for our email list http://www.sanityjournals.com/retreats.html
to be sure you are in the know! More to come soon!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Be Delighted!

I am completely INSPIRED after being in the presence of SARK at her Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper workshop! She has been a "paper mentor" to me for many years - meaning I have learned and grown from her books! So to meet her and spend the day with her was a dream come true! "DELIGHT YOURSELF FIRST"...was one of her key messages that day. I realized that when I delight myself first, it is then that I make the biggest difference with others. For so many years I lived my life trying first to please others and so many times I miss the mark, sell out on myself and am left dissapointed, empty, or just plain exhausted. This week I'm taking on "being delighted" sharing it with others and having a blast! Do you want to play? I'd love to hear your stories!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Imaginary Cozy Chairs in the Spirit of Motherhood

I have been on a journey called 10 Keys to Compassionate Parenting for about 4 weeks now! It's a workshop about parenting, but about parenting yourself too. What a new concept that has been for me. I take great pride in being a great mom for my boys, but to be a great mom to me...whoa! What does that even look like? I have been taking this on and while it feels a bit awkward and uncomfortable, I have also had moments of it feeling rich, soothing and comfortable. This all takes place over the phone and the facilitators do an amazing job of creating a space over the phone as if we were all sitting around in cozy chairs sharing the spirit of being women and mothers learning and growing from the comfort of our own homes. The MUTE button has been quite the life saver when the boys get crazy or my stomach growls...but, engaged I am on the call anticipating the next golden morsel that is sure to surface. We take turns stepping out into vulnerability, willing to share our story for the sake of seeing something new possible! Check out what I am excited about! http://www.marcitjader.com/registerforevents.htm

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Choose Happy...

Have you ever noticed how some days you feel happy and others you don't. When you look around, nothing has actually changed in your life to cause the shift in your experience...except your thoughts. Today, I noticed for myself that I could choose to be happy, regardless of the circumstances that surrounded the day. Upon making the choice today, my experience of the day was altered. I felt better, which impacted my actions, which shifted my experience....all from a simple choice to be happy.

What might shift in your world if you were to choose HAPPY?

Monday, February 2, 2009

I think I met an angel...

It was an ordinary day and an ordinary event, but an extraordinary experience. I took my boys to get their haircuts. Prior to going I contemplated postponing this to another day...I'm sure glad I didn't. We arrived at Great Clips, signed in and had a seat to wait our turn. Not five minutes later a tall, grey haired, 80 year old man came through the door. He immediately engaged with the boys stirring us all into giggles and smiles and took a seat near us. In talking he told me he recently had heart surgery and felt lucky to be alive. I could see he was not feeling well and restless waiting and told him please go ahead of us. He was gracious and sat down for his hair cut. He went on to tell me of his 16 grandchildren and love for kids. When finished he walked to each of my boys and handed them each a dollar bill. He walked back, he thanked us for making his day - I didn't have words to express how he had touched ours. As he walked out the door I had the urge to run after him, grab his hand and ask him if only he could stay a little longer. I was left with the feeling that he disappeared after walking out the door. What happened was not about what he did or what he said, but the presence that he was. The feeling in that room that day was like no other. The presence of this man was pure love and joy. It was angelic. There was a woman across the room who witnessed the encounter. After he left I looked over with tears in my eyes to see tears in hers. We talked about how amazing it is to have someone you have never met before touch your life in such a way. She said, "if you ever wondered what it is like to be touched by an angel....now you have". It made me pause, ponder that which is larger than life and feel gratitude deep within my soul...so grateful that we were right where we were at that moment. After sharing this story with my sister, she sent this to me! Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

Be open to the extraordinary in the ordinary. Share your stories!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year...A Fresh Perspective

I'm back! Ok...it's been way too long since I last blogged. I guess that tells you a little about my life. 2008 was a year of immense change and transformation for me and my family. You will see more of me in 2009. Taking this time to go inward and focus on home and family has brought new life to Sanity Journals. I am busy designing for 2009. I look forward to celebrating with you a new journal I will be launching in February as well as exciting events that will spark your pen to paper!

What are you up to this year? What are you creating for yourself? I would love to hear the wonderful, creative, or off the wall things you are up to!

Happy New Year!