Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 3: Fear Shows Up... of the things that naturally occurs after you have declared you will do something new, take on something in a bigger way, or just merely say YES.  Fear shows up - it's almost inevitable.  For me it appears as that voice in my head showing me and telling me everything that could go wrong, every reason why I can't and then doubt whooshes in pulling all the greatness I felt when declaring yes...and next thing I know my exuberant yes is feeling more like a deflated no.   Fear naturally shows up when we declare we will write or take on a journaling practice.  What could befriend this part of the process...knowing it's a necessary step disguised as "scary" and "bad" and a step that YOU can move boldly through. 

What if these thoughts and feelings no longer controlled you, but you had courage and power to notice, evaluate and determine for yourself if they are a "real" threat to you.  What if these thoughts and questions are pointing you to the actions that need to take place in order for you to step out, grow and move forward.  By paying attention you might see a conversation that has to take place, an insecurity you want to embrace and move past, or an old belief that no longer serves you or anyone else.
So, as you dive into the world of journaling, begin to pay attention and notice what occurs during and AFTER the writing - it may be just as or more valuable!

So what came up for you?  If you've been following since Day 1 - wrap your arms around any fear that showed up knowing it's a healthy part of the process.  Your job is to find out what's under the disguise - it is there you will access the freedom to move past.  If you haven't yet engaged in Day 2 - I double dog dare you to begin now!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Using fear as a positive tool instead of seeing it as a negative detriment: what a terrific sentiment. I love it!