Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 4: An Imaginary Conversation...

I used to process things over and over in my mind...looking for the "right" answer or solution often to my own exhaustion, not to mention my missing out on the moment at hand because I was lost in my head thinking. I now almost always go to my journal when I catch myself in that processing mode - because I know from experience the power and purpose that takes place when I write. I can move through issues and feelings with more focus, intention and velocity - the truth surfaces and I can see things with intense clarity and wisdom.

Try this...
An imaginary happened in my journal one day - I was stewing over a challenge in my life and had the thought, I should call my friend - I knew she would have great advice for me.  Without thinking any further, I began writing - asking the questions I had of her and realized the answers were right there - I was able to work out the situation through my imaginary conversation with her in my journal - sounds kinda crazy I know - but, IT WORKED!

Try it!  Bring a challenge you are faced with, or something that sits heavy on your heart to your journal today.  Think of someone you trust for great, honest advice. 

Have an imaginary conversation with them in your journal.  Ask questions, and then write down what they would tell you.  Share your experience!

1 comment:

Suzanne Wigginton said...

The best feature of a "good friend" is their ability to be a sounding board allowing YOU to mine the gold within your own heart. I love the idea of making my journal a sounding board and thus, adding a new good friend to my corner.