Friday, June 20, 2008

Amidst the chaos...I found balance within

Some people think you have to be in a quiet, meditative state to journal…I say not always the case! Today I sat in my yard watching 5 boys all under the age of 6 and wrote about my garden and how it relates to journaling. Amidst the chaos and sounds of boys yelling and running…I found balance within.

Similar to time in the garden, journaling helps me to connect to what is real and natural in life. The digging, pulling weeds, pruning, and nurturing in the garden is similar to what occurs when journaling, except you are growing the many aspects of who you are. The rewards of gardening are flowers, edibles, visual and sensual delights while the fruits of journaling show up as your roots of self confidence stretch deep into the ground, relationships bloom, intuition expands and you discover a fresh space of peace and gratitude for all that is good.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Letting Go... (Journaling Made Simple!)

"Journaling Made Simple" - is about pondering questions, capturing thoughts, and creating possibilities. If you have been looking for simple steps to experience the magic of journaling...try these! Check back often for new themes!

If you are feeling distracted and/or restless, try this exercise! Find a cozy place to relax and breathe! With journal and pen in hand....proceed below
Release and Let Go...

If you find yourself stewing over something in your head today - release the thoughts, return to the present moment and discover new insight and clarity.

Write out and acknowledge the things you are mulling over. Ask questions...

Is this in my life for a reason? Is there something to learn here? Who am I being called to be in this situation?

Sometimes the things we mull over are out of our control and what there is to do is let go and have faith.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Standing tall....

Remember my sunflowers?....Here they are today! I love to look at them! Just look how tall and bright they stand. Today they remind me to do the same. I shared the picture with a friend and this is what she said... "Sunflowers are so happy and they do stand proud and face the beautiful sunshine everyday, as we should. They are a very wise flower." - I thought that was beautiful! So as you go about your day...remember the sunflower and it's message "stand tall and shine who you are!"