Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 7: The Stops & Go's of Journaling

On the journaling adventure you might encounter bumps, hills, stops and even roadblocks along the way!  At least I do!  Rest assured, it's normal and I'm here to inspire you and encourage you to pick yourself up and carry on...the rewards are well worth the journey!  This was the perfect topic for today's blog as I got stopped in my own blogging and haven't showed up in awhile!  I could give you a list of excuses (road bumps) for why I haven't been here...and I will - because they will be the perfect start to the things that might get in your way!
10 Potential Stops (excuses that get in the way of what you truly want)....

  1. I have too many other things to do
  2. I don't have time
  3. I don't "feel" like it
  4. I don't have anything to say
  5. I'm not a writer
  6. I'm not seeing the rewards
  7. I'm afraid someone will find it
  8. I'm afraid of opening the flood gates (emotion)
  9. It feels selfish
  10. I don't know where to begin
  11. I'm afraid of what I might find
10 Reasons to keep on going...
  1. Your sanity - you will have more fun and feel better doing all you do!
  2. By taking time for you - you will actually find your energy elevates, your focus increases and you have more time to do all you truly want to do!
  3. You will feel better and sigh relief by just clearing thought
  4. Clear the clutter, negativity and the mind chatter that clouds your perspective
  5. Reap the rewards of clearing the mind - and BE fully in the moment!
  6. You just might discover your "voice" - your unique expression and view of life
  7. Keep showing up and the rewards will knock your socks off!
  8. Discover what stirs your heart, and makes you feel alive and inspired
  9. Shift focus...Let go...Embrace change
  10. Make time to find your quiet center, where you feel calm and confident amidst everything else!
Remember, there's no right way to journal, just YOUR way!


Suzanne said...

Oh my! I certainly have experienced all ten of the reasons to stop journaling (often simultaneously) and have continued journaling, eventually, and come to experience it's amazing benefits. The journaling lounge you've created has provided benefits beyond what I imagined, both in its supportive nudges to keep me writing and in the wonderful supportive community it's growing. Bless you, Carla!

Nelia said...

I've decided to integrate daily journal writing into my lifestyle. It's been only a short while, but I've begun to experience (or at least gotten a glimpse of) many of the "Go's".

I hope this blog is updated regularly. I'd love to read an additional perspective about journaling.

Sanity Journals said...

Thank you for stopping by!! Yes, this blog will get updated! Lots of good things coming this year! Have you visited The Journaling Lounge? You might like that as well! Go to my website www.sanityjournals.com to create your free online journal! An amazing community of people writing their way through the ups and downs of everyday life! See you there!