Monday, February 2, 2009

I think I met an angel...

It was an ordinary day and an ordinary event, but an extraordinary experience. I took my boys to get their haircuts. Prior to going I contemplated postponing this to another day...I'm sure glad I didn't. We arrived at Great Clips, signed in and had a seat to wait our turn. Not five minutes later a tall, grey haired, 80 year old man came through the door. He immediately engaged with the boys stirring us all into giggles and smiles and took a seat near us. In talking he told me he recently had heart surgery and felt lucky to be alive. I could see he was not feeling well and restless waiting and told him please go ahead of us. He was gracious and sat down for his hair cut. He went on to tell me of his 16 grandchildren and love for kids. When finished he walked to each of my boys and handed them each a dollar bill. He walked back, he thanked us for making his day - I didn't have words to express how he had touched ours. As he walked out the door I had the urge to run after him, grab his hand and ask him if only he could stay a little longer. I was left with the feeling that he disappeared after walking out the door. What happened was not about what he did or what he said, but the presence that he was. The feeling in that room that day was like no other. The presence of this man was pure love and joy. It was angelic. There was a woman across the room who witnessed the encounter. After he left I looked over with tears in my eyes to see tears in hers. We talked about how amazing it is to have someone you have never met before touch your life in such a way. She said, "if you ever wondered what it is like to be touched by an you have". It made me pause, ponder that which is larger than life and feel gratitude deep within my grateful that we were right where we were at that moment. After sharing this story with my sister, she sent this to me! Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

Be open to the extraordinary in the ordinary. Share your stories!