Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 5: A Glimpse into My Journal

So...on Day 2 of this series "Into a World of Journaling" I created "cheering myself on in life" as my focus.  This was a far-out concept at one time for me and even today feels a tad daunting.  I take this on knowing that if I could be successful part of the time I would greatly shift my reality.  Here's a glimpse in my journal from yesterday...

Cheering myself on...what does that mean for today?  It means being there for myself, telling myself "I can" accomplish what's in front of me, that "I can" complete all I need to do to launch the Journaling Lounge next week!  It means being diligent with my thoughts and steering them back on track when they want to dive into the gutter of negativity and self doubt.  It means I will write through worry and doubt when they show up.  It means when I fall down, it's not an opportunity to criticize, but a chance to pick myself up and carry on.  It means I will hold the vision of what I am up to in front of me and keep my eyes on what stirs my passion.  It means communicating with my loved ones when I need help.  It means taking care of my well-being even when it feels like I don't have time.  It means doing the things that I say are most important in the face of a long to-do list.  It means seeking and honoring the truth, even when it means taking a risk.  What if I could cheer myself on, just as I would a dear friend?

Have you declared a focus in your journal?  Are you willing to share?  I'd love to hear!


Sanity Journals said...

Stori - way to dive in and make it yours! This is clearly the power of writing...clarity, purpose and action! Thank you for your courage and willingness to share - it has impacted me and I am sure it will make a difference for others! The responses from you and others bring this to life in a much larger way!

Stori Ruhter said...

Thank you Carla!! :)