"Journaling Made Simple" - is about pondering questions, capturing thoughts, and creating possibilities. If you have been looking for simple steps to experience the magic of journaling...try these! Check back often for new themes!
If you are feeling distracted and/or restless, try this exercise! Find a cozy place to relax and breathe! With journal and pen in hand....proceed below
Release and Let Go...
Release and Let Go...
If you find yourself stewing over something in your head today - release the thoughts, return to the present moment and discover new insight and clarity.
Write out and acknowledge the things you are mulling over. Ask questions...
Write out and acknowledge the things you are mulling over. Ask questions...
Is this in my life for a reason? Is there something to learn here? Who am I being called to be in this situation?
Sometimes the things we mull over are out of our control and what there is to do is let go and have faith.
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